English • French • German • Italian • Chinese • Japanese • Korean • Spanish • Portuguese • Polish • Romanian • Finnish • Swedish • Albanian • Dutch • Serbian • Flemish • Irish • Tibetan • Latvian • Farsi • Estonian • Croatian • Russian • Urdu • Amharic • Ukrainian • Hindi • Greek • Turkish • Hebrew • Basque • Catalan • Belarusian • Indonesian • Bulgarian • Danish • Swahili • Bengali • Tamil • Slovene • Georgian • Gujarati • Armenian • Hungarian • Kurdish • Laotian • Czech • Lingala • Lithuanian • Punjabi • Malay • Maltese • Norwegian • Pashto • Slovakian • Somali • Arabic • Uzbek • Welsh • Mongolian • Vietnamese • Afrikaans • Yiddish • English • French • German • Italian • Chinese • Japanese • Korean • Spanish • Portuguese • Polish • Romanian • Finnish • Swedish • Albanian • Dutch • Serbian • Flemish • Irish • Tibetan • Latvian • Farsi • Estonian • Croatian • Russian • Urdu • Amharic • Ukrainian • Hindi • Greek • Turkish • Hebrew • Basque • Catalan • Belarusian • Indonesian • Bulgarian • Danish • Swahili • Bengali • Tamil • Slovene • Georgian • Gujarati • Armenian • Hungarian • Kurdish • Laotian • Czech • Lingala • Lithuanian • Punjabi • Malay • Maltese • Norwegian • Pashto • Slovakian • Somali • Arabic • Uzbek • Welsh • Mongolian • Vietnamese • Afrikaans • Yiddish • English • French • German • Italian • Chinese • Japanese • Korean • Spanish • Portuguese • Polish • Romanian • Finnish • Swedish • Albanian • Dutch • Serbian • Flemish • Irish • Tibetan • Latvian • Farsi • Estonian • Croatian • Russian • Urdu • Amharic • Ukrainian • Hindi • Greek • Turkish • Hebrew • Basque • Catalan • Belarusian • Indonesian • Bulgarian • Danish • Swahili • Bengali • Tamil • Slovene • Georgian • Gujarati • Armenian • Hungarian • Kurdish • Laotian • Czech • Lingala • Lithuanian • Punjabi • Malay • Maltese • Norwegian • Pashto • Slovakian • Somali • Arabic • Uzbek • Welsh • Mongolian • Vietnamese • Afrikaans • Yiddish

Book Translation Agency

You would not let just anyone write for you.

Why would you let just anyone do your translation work for your book or magazine?

Here at Quarto, everything is checked a minimum of three times. No other agency does this as standard practice. All work is handled throughout the job by one of our sub-editors so that there is less management time for the client.

We have a global network of printers we buy from at discounted rates and we handle database sourcing abroad, audited mailings and subscriber listings.

A test piece is produced before commencement to ensure the right standards are being met before you commit to us.

our services



All language fonts are catered for on Mac and PC. You can receive your translation, no matter what the language, in a readable format for you to work on. We can also work on files across a wide range of software such as IllustratorQuark, and InDesign, so no matter what you need, we can handle it. Our typesetting experts are adept at right-to-left and left-to-right languages as well as double-byte languages, for example Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Website Translation and Publishing

To publish on-line and to get your message quickly across to the widest possible audience – and without the cost of print – our website translation and publishing services may be what you are looking for.

We not only translate the pages of your website, but we can also supply over 400 languages, including Asian characters and Middle Eastern scripts (Chinese, Arabic, Japanese and Indian languages), all in a web friendly format.

Quality Control: Our Four-Part Approach

Quality Control:

Our Four-Part Approach

Sourcing a translation team (translator and proof-reader) with the relevant experience

Translation by a professional translator into their mother tongue

Proofing against a detailed checklist, including accuracy, grammar, and style

Final proofing by one of our project managers to ensure all changes have been carried out and nothing is missing

Our Clients

We treasure our wide variety of clients, who come in all shapes and sizes. Here is a sample from our current list. Some are well known, others less so. All are equally important to us.